
Showing posts from January, 2022

Design Principles - Week 4 Entry (Submission of Project 1 - Self Portrait + Improvement)

24/01/2022 - 30/01/2022 (Week 4) WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613 Design Principles / B'Creative Media / Taylor's University Task 1 - Week 4 Recap LECTURE Introduction To start off the topic of "Sense of Place", We shall first understand what a designer's role is. A designer's job is to solve problems with the power of effective visual communication. There are countless types of problems that designers solve: whether they are personal goals or community events; corporate functions or world changing projects, designers solve them all through creative ways and visual communication.  Importance of Observation Good Observation depends on whether one is being observant. This refers to being attentive to one's surroundings, while capturing and analyzing every detail.  As a designer, it is important that we develop new and creative ideas. A great and effective way to do

Design Principles - Week 3 Entry (Submission of Exercise 1 & 2)

17/01/2022 - 23/01/2022 (Week 3) WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613 Design Principles / B'Creative Media / Taylor's University Task 1 - Week 3 Recap LECTURE Who am I? Different people see us differently, For example, our parents see us as their children, which affects our behaviour, actions, opinions, etc. Obviously, our friends see us differently than our parents as well.  Sometimes, we even look at ourselves differently. This is affected by several factors:  Self Portrait The aim of this project is to create a self portrait. A self portrait can be defined in many many ways.  According to students at Minneapolis College of Art and Design,  "Self portrait is a visual representation of you as a person."  " It does not necessarily need to have your face in it."  "The more you abstract, the more it becomes you."  "A bunch of different colours and shapes." ...and many more.  The proper defini

Design Principles - Week 2 Entry

10/01/2022 - 16/01/2022 (Week 2) WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613 Design Principles / B'Creative Media / Taylor's University Task 1 - Week 2 Recap LECTURE Design from Music During lecture class this week, Dr. Charles carried out an activity where students are required to come up with designs while listening to music. We were supposed to listen to the music, not only with our ears but also with our minds and hearts. We should only using simple elements such as shapes, lines and dots. In my opinion, this shows the purest and rawest aspect of design.  The first song is titled "Dream Dust" by Juno Dreams. While listening to this song, I have a picture of myself at the beach looking at the waves of the ocean, feeling the gentle waves hit on my waves as I breathe in fresh air into my lungs. However, this image I have in mind is too "smooth" and "gentle", as the music has continuous bass and drum sounds in it. So, I drew tiny boxes which line up into a shape of a w