UX Design - Task 2: User Persona Research, UX Requirements & User Journey Map

22/04/2024 - 10/05/2024 (Week 1-3)
WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613
UX Design / B' Creative Media / Taylor's University
Task 2: User Persona Research, UX Requirements & User Journey Map



Exercise 1: User Persona Research

Prior to creating any survey or methodologies, we first started to think of what kind of users are best suited for our servicing app. Our group, which consists of Asilah, Javin, Wai Fern and I liked the idea of a app dedicated to aid challenged pet owners. 

We proceed to list out points of various different aspects of our app, i.e. geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral aspects on the designated Miro board.

Segment Matrix

Once we have an outline and have confirmed that we want to proceed with this, we then created a persona that matches our expectations when it comes to the app's target audience.

User persona brainstorem

User persona details

Use persona summary

Upon completion of creating a user persona, we then proceeded to design a survey to ask real people about their wants and needs as a pet owner. One of the reasons for this is so that we can understand their struggles more and include useful features that are in line with their needs. 

*Everything was done together as a group. Every member contributed equally throughout the task (Hooray!)

Survey questions brainstorm

Survey Questions: 

Data Analysis: 

Exercise 2: UX Requirements

Moving on to the app UX requirements, we listed down some information of how we foresee our app in a document to guide us through the ideation process. We listed down information such as project goals and outcomes, technical requirements, features, USPs, etc.

UX Requirements Document: 

Exercise 3: UX User Journey Diagram

In the third exercise, we created 5 main journey maps for our app. These journeys are essentially the main services that our app can offer. We included various journey types, ranging from log in to ordering a service to receiving feedback from users through the app. 


Before starting this module, I was honestly not very excited about this as it is very distinct from the kind of design I am used to. However, as an extension module, these first 2 exercises has helped me understand the importance of good UX design - not only for apps, but also for other daily things in life, as thought in the lectures. 

Overall, I think the exercises were great, and these few weeks has been great.


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