Design Principles - Week 6 Entry (Submission of Project 2 - Sense of Place)

07/01/2022 - 13/02/2022 (Week 6)
WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613
Design Principles / B'Creative Media / Taylor's University

Task 1 - Submission and Progress of Project 2: Sense of Place


Sense of Place


In life, everyone experiences negative feelings and emotions. Whether they come from social expectations, or just simply being in a bad mood, no one can escape these negative emotions. In my design, it shows my favourite spot to be in when I experience negative emotions. For some reason, this place makes me feel isolated and away from people, which helps me stay calm and channel my inner peace. This place may look like any ordinary house garden, but I like to call it my 'Space of Peace'. 

First-hand Research

I've taken photos of my home garden from different angles. At this point I have no idea how I am going to portray and emphasize the peace that I feel when I am present at this place in my work. I was just trying to find the most aesthetic pleasing angle of the scene. 

Here are two of my lovely dogs, May and Dolly. Whenever I feel down, they become my personal therapists. They play a huge role on diffusing the the unwanted feelings within me. So, I decided to put them into my design too.


This is the photograph I ended up choosing. This one stood out from the others because it somehow gives out a sense of movement. All the lines are pointing towards the same direction unlike the others. 

Well, to be honest, I did not really do any sketches for this work because I realized I spent too much time on another idea that I ended up scraping. So, I decided to think and develop ideas as I continue to render the scene digitally. 


I started off by painting this most prominent bush in the foreground as I brainstorm how I can develop this artwork by asking myself many questions. How can I show peace? How can I make the design pop? What is it that I want to emphasize?

Then I moved on to this structure made out of bamboo sticks and benches. Oh, and also 2 tiny pots of plants that I find very adorable.

Then I painted the grass and some of the plants on the back.

As I was painting this part, I suddenly got the idea on how I can show negative feelings. I decided on drawing demonic hands to show the negative feelings coming out from a wall (the house). This is because I feel overwhelmed when I stay indoors and doing things related to my studies for an extended duration of time. I find coming outside, touch some grass, feel the sunshine a good way for me to diffuse the overwhelming feeling inside me.

Anyway, I decided to put that aside and continued on painting the middle ground...

...and the background. 

After that I headed back to the hands mysteriously reaching out from walls part. I gave it a RGB effect and I think it looks great. 

Chains are added to show that they act as an obstacle for the the negative feelings, and that they cannot reach me when I am outside at my 'Space of Peace'. Some bursting effects are also added. 

Lastly, I painted my lovely dogs into the painting as consider them to be my personal therapist. 

Final Artwork - 'Space of Peace'


In life, everyone experiences negative feelings and emotions. Whether they come from social expectations, or just simply being in a bad mood, no one can escape these negative emotions. In my design, it shows my favourite spot to be in when I experience negative emotions. For some reason, this place makes me feel isolated and away from people, which helps me stay calm and channel my inner peace. This place may look like any ordinary house garden, but I like to call it my 'Space of Peace'. 


Score: 4.2/5. Overall, I am very satisfied with how this self portrait came out. In my opinion, contrast can really be shown the between good and bad energy by using the two different styles. The main emphasis of this design has automatically become the chained hands because of the bright, vibrant colours. However, I ensure that the garden has a good amount of detail so that it does not look too simple. However, here are some points that I think I can improve on: 


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