Illustration & Visual Narrative Task 3 - Unforgettable Fight Scene

31/05/2022 - 08/07/2022 (Week 10 - Week 15)
WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613
Illustration & Visual Narrative / B' Creative Media / Taylor's University
Task 3 - Unforgettable Fight Scene



Week 10 Idea development + Narrative


Growing up, I have always been a fan of Kung Fu action movies. My main inspiration for this comic is actually from Ip Man, a sequential Kung Fu movie series I watch growing up. The pace and action always seem to fascinate me. Thus, I decided to do a Kung Fu themed comic. 

Fig. 1.1 Ip Man 2 movie

Other than Ip Man, I also took inspiration from a video game titled 'SIFU'. I quite like the simple but meaningful story about the video game, and the fighting animations are very satisfying and great. 

Fig. 1.2 SIFU video game



The scene starts off when Zhou is training with a wooden dummy. After a few strikes, the scene then flashes back to the night that 10-year-old Zhou's father was killed. That night, a man with a knife in his hand breaches into the door out of a sudden. Zhou's father tells his son to hide in his bedroom. He ran towards his bedroom while peeing out out from the door's narrow gap. After a short battle with the stranger, his father is defeated with a knife piercing through his guts. A thud was heard as his body falls, and there was nothing ten-year-old Zhou could do, but to watch the tragedy occur from afar. From that day, his heart is filled with revenge and misery. From that day, he wants vengeance. 


He decides that he is ready and now is time for vengeance. Zhou finds the person who killed his father and puts up an intense close fight. He almost wins the fight with his left hand holding his opponent's neck, and his right hand clenching up a fist, ready to the land the final blow. He said to himself: "With this punch, I can end it all." However, he becomes hesitant as deep down his heart, he realized that rage was causing all these unnecessary blood in his hands. After all, violence is the last thing he ever wanted after his father's life being taken away because of it. His opponent took this opportunity of Zhou hesitating and escapes from his grip. 


Zhou slowly understands, revenge will not change anything. Even if he kills the killer, nothing can bring back his father. He started asking the killer about that night he killed his father. Zhou understands from the killer that his daughter was suffering from severe cancer and needs money for her treatment. Because they are from a poor household, the killer thought that the easiest way to earn a large amount of money in the shortest duration, was to kill for illegal money. At that very moment, Zhou realized the killer was just trying to do everything he can to save his daughter. If he decides to take revenge and kills him, he would be killing someone else's father. As a victim himself, Zhou truly understands the feeling of losing a father and hopes that no one else would have to experience what he did. So, although difficult, he chose to let it go and left. 


I wanted to create something that includes a very epic battle scene, but at the same time touch people's hearts by showing an unexpected ending. 

As the comic proceeds, I wish to pass the message that violence is not a solution to anything, and that revenge is just to temporarily make you feel good. At the end, grief will find a way to you. 

Week 11-12 Character + Comic Sketches


Fig. 2.1 Costume experimentations

Fig. 2.2 Eye study and hairstyle experimentations

Fig. 2.3 Final character sketch


Fig. 2.4 1

Fig. 2.5 2

Fig. 2.6 3 

Fig. 2.7 4

Fig. 2.8 5

Fig. 2.9 6

Fig. 2.10 7

Fig. 2.11 8

Fig. 2.12 9

Fig. 2.13 10

Fig. 2.14 11

Fig. 2.15 12

Fig. 2.16 13

Fig. 2.17 14

Fig. 2.18 15

Fig. 2.19 16

Fig. 2.20 17

Fig. 2.21 18

Fig. 2.22 19

Fig. 2.23 20

Fig. 2.24 21

Fig. 2.25 22

Fig. 2.26 23

Fig. 2.27 24

Fig. 2.28 25

Fig. 2.29 26

Fig. 2.30 27

Fig. 2.31 28

Fig. 2.32 29

Fig. 2.33 30

Fig. 2.34 31 (Not included in final)

Fig. 2.35 32

Fig. 2.36 33 (Not included in final)

Fig. 2.37 34 (Not included in final)

Fig. 2.38 35 (Not included in final)

Fig. 2.39 36
Fig. 2.40 37 (Not included in final)

Fig. 2.41 38

Fig. 2.42 39

Fig. 2.43 40

Fig. 2.44 41

*Some panels that I decided not to include in the final comic is because there are too many panels and makes the story feel a bit draggy. 

Week 13 - 15 Digitisation 

Fig. 3.1 Place in all sketches

I started by placing all my sketches into separate artboards (800*1280 px) so I can easily trace them into vector shapes using the pen tool. I also made sure to draw my sketches with a good amount of detail to make the tracing process easier. 

Fig. 3.2 Titles

Fig. 3.3 All Titles

*Fonts used:

The words in red are the words I want to emphasis. I also added a Chinese character behind each act title that represents the feeling of the main character's feeling at that particular time. 

In Act 1, 恨(hèn) means hate; in Act 2, 仇(chóu) means enemy/revenge; and in Act 3, 恕(shù) means forgiveness. 

Fig. 3.4 Process 1

In majority of the first act, I used only monochromic colours (black & white, red shades), as this part is part of the main character's memory of the past. 

Fig. 3.5 Process 2

Besides, I used the rectangle tool to create the base for each of the panels. I used the pen tool the most along with the pathfinder 'divide' function to create more interesting shapes.

Fig. 3.6 Process 3

For these two pages, I used the eclipse tool to create some circles and arranged them this way. 

New Ending

Fig. 3.7 New ending

After having feedback from Ms Anis, I decided to take notes of some of her ideas and use them in my ending. The idea is to make the readers/viewers feel emphatic by showing the killer taking care of his daughter with cancer as a father. 

Final Outcome - Graphic Novel

Throughout my graphic novel, I have used different comic elements such as moment-to-moment scenes, as well as action-to-action scenes. In my opinion, I like using action-to-action scenes especially for action themed graphic novels because it really shows the movements. 



Overall, being able to create my own graphic novel and publish it onto Webtoon was pretty fun! At the earlier stages, I got to learn how to write a good story that shows emotions while being a fighting scene. During the sketching stage, I was able to do something I like- character design. I enjoyed drawing different ideas and looks for the main character. However, the project was also quite challenging, as this is my first time drawing at this level of complexity using vector art. I am more of a drawing person and not so much of a graphic designer. Nonetheless, it was an amazing experience that helped me understand the simplicity of shapes. 


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