Interactive Design Final Project - Portfolio Website

15/11/2022 - 11/12/2022 (Week 12 - 15)
WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613
Interactive Design / B' Creative Media / Taylor's University
Final Project / Portfolio Website

All files

Fig. 1 All files

Above are all the files required for my website. This website consists of 4 pages: Home, Collection, Process, and About page. Thus, I can a HTML and CSS file for each of the pages which are named accordingly. I also sorted all the images into one folder for easy access and organisation. 

Home page

Fig. 2.1 HTML code (Home)

Fig. 2.2 CSS code (Home)

Collection page

Fig. 3.1 HTML code (Collection)

Fig. 3.2 CSS code (Collection)

Process page

Fig. 4.1 HTML code (Process)

Fig. 4.2 CSS code (Process)

About page

Fig. 5.1 HTML code (About)

Fig. 5.2 CSS code (About)

Upload to Netlify

Upon completion of my code and ensuring that everything is linked correctly, I uploaded the file to Netlify. 

Below is the final outcome: JZ Portfolio


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