Information Design - Final Project

13/01/2023 - 03/03/2023 (Week 1 - 8)
WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613
Information Design / B' Creative Media / Taylor's University
Final Project


Part 1 - Burnout Experience Writing

Before I step into tertiary education, I did not have much experience feeling burnt-out. Only after I started my Foundation course, I started experiencing some symptoms of burnout, especially in situations where deadlines are very tight or where final examinations are about to commence. However, I do not consider these to be burnout, as the seriousness was quite subtle and manageable. 

After I started my bachelor's degree course, things started to get worse. At this point, I guess I was not prepared enough for the transition. There are far more assignments and projects assigned to me with far narrower deadlines to meet, as well as more challenging modules. 

The first and hopefully the last (but I think not) time I experienced burnout was last semester. I took 5 modules with full 20 credit hours and I think it should be fine, but clearly I was not. The large number of assignments quickly accumulated starting from the start of the semester as I was not finishing them efficient enough. In addition, the design research methodology was giving me a stressful time as this was the first time I tried something like this. Because of this, I spent most of my time night and day in this module, and might have neglected the other assignments, causing me to fall behind time. 

Throughout this semester, my sleep schedule was extremely messed up. The latest I stayed up doing assignments was 8 in the morning. Yet, I find myself not being as productive as I wanted myself to be. I was absolutely frustrated by this and procrastination came into play. I started over relaxing to try to release some stress but I could not really relax until everything was done. Because I kept on pushing my schedule and plans, a lot of the assignments and projects were pushed to the very last minute. This caused me to produce low quality work and even late work. The consequences then reflected on my results. 

After the semester, I decided to take a long needed break and now I am back in full power. I have tasted the bitterness of my actions and hopefully this does not happen often in the future. If it does, I will have to try to resolve the problem and maintain productivity. 

Part 2 - Visual / Graphic

Part 3 - Sketches & Animatic Draft

In the spreadsheet link above, our group had split the work among all of us. Some of us were in charge of the illustrations and some of us will be in charge of the animation part. 

As one of the animators, my job was to sketch scenes 1-3, which include a total of 6 frames. 

Part 4 - Assets

We did our individual scenes in illustrator, making sure every limb / part of the frame is on a separate layer. This is to speed up the animation process. We also have a colour palette that we can use as a guideline that helps the video look whole and consistent. 

Colour Palette

Below are the assets that I did (scenes 1-3): 







Part 5 - Final Animation

The animators added some subtle sound effects to the video, because why not?


Week 5

Add captions / titles for the key points in the video 

Week 6

Storyboard looks ok so far. Provide a test animation for checking 

Week 7

Test animation style looks alright, please proceed.


Throughout this project, I had a lot of fun working with this bunch of people as a team. Of course, there are the ones who carried the team and the ones who, well, did not carry as much. Fortunately, we have some very talented animators in our group and did a very good job in the final animation. 

Overall, we had great teamwork that really helped us push through this series of projects in this module. It was a beneficial and fun experience working with this group.


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