Information Design - Exercises (20%)

13/01/2023 - 27/02/2023 (Week 1 - 2)
WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613
Information Design / B' Creative Media / Taylor's University
FLIP Group and Individual Work


Exercise 1: Quantify Data (10%)

Composition 1: Quantify Data - LEGO EV3 Set

(FINAL) Composition 2: Quantify Data - LEGO EV3 Set

For this exercise, I used several different pieces from my LEGO EV3 Set. Then, I arranged them two different compositions. The composition on the top features a more neat and organised design. The one on the bottom has more creativity put into it. 

I used all types of pieces in the first composition. However, this resulted in difficulty to group all pieces into different groups. So, for the second composition, I picked out certain pieces that have distinct features: rounds, rods, plates, etc. 

I decided the second one would be my final design, mainly because it looks more unique and not as boring as the first one, in my opinion. 

Exercise 2: L.A.T.C.H (10%)

First and foremost, I had to decide on the art direction and art style of my infographic. One particular style came in mind: Pixel Art. I decided this is a good idea because the original Pokemon games are developed in 8-bit graphics, which resulted in very huge pixels. So, I tried to imitate the type of 8-bit style. I used Photoshop to create the assets for my infographic.

Below are some examples of pixel art I found on the web: 

Naruto Pixel Art by pixiart03 on DeviantArt

pixel art - Wikidata

Pixel Perfect: Jubilee's Pixel Art –

Having the art style in mind, I began to search for Pokemon assets from the web. I specifically searched for pixelated Pokemon art with transparent backgrounds. 

Images taken from the web

Firstly, I created the base island to represent the different habitats of the Pokemons. For example, grass type Pokemons live in the grasslands; water type Pokemons live in the lake; and fire type Pokemons live in volcanic areas. 

Island design

I also designed elemental symbols to represent the type of Pokemons. 

Grass element

Fire element

Water element

Lastly, I created pixel art for the clouds and Pokeballs. I figured this will add some complexity to the background of my infographic. 

As for the typography font choice, I looked for 'pixel fonts' on the web. The font that I am using is called 'Minecraft'. 

(FINAL) L.A.T.C.H Pokemon Infographic


Exercise 1: Quantify Data (10%)

Exercise 2: L.A.T.C.H (10%)


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