Collaborative Design Practice - Task 3: Produce Rapid Prototypes, Test and Iterative Designs

29/05/2024 - 18/06/2023 (Week 6-9)
WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613
Collaborative Design Practice / B' Creative Media / Taylor's University
Task 3: Produce Rapid Prototypes, Test and Iterative Designs



Week 6

After presenting our previous task, we sat together and discussed about our plans heading into this task. Upon discussion, I will be working on the mascot on my own as it would be easier to keep the consistency between both mascots. 

My team had concerns about the body shape of the mascots not being practical enough, as it looks really small in ratio when compared to the head. One of my groupmates showed a reference image of a more suitable body shape, and I decided to take inspiration from it. This new body shape would be much more suitable if the client wants to have an actual 'mascot guy' during the Innofest event. So, I headed back to the drawing board and did some rough sketches.

Rough turnaround of new body shape

Other progress

After sketching, I created coloured turnaround sheets for both mascot - just flat colours to see how the colour choice would turn out. 

Pre-final 1, coloured turnaround

Week 7

However, after internal feedback, we think that the homeowner mascot's design needs to be refined / reworked. The current design is too different from the brand colour palette, which lacks harmony and consistency. 

A few other suggestions from the team are as below:
- colour theme can be more similar to the app UI colours to have consistency
- body shape can be further 'chibi-fied'

Therefore, for the homeowner mascot's design, I tried out a singlet & slipper outfit option to see how it will fit. I also explored on colour palette variations, and shrunk the body shape so it highlights the element of cute. 

Pre-final 2, colour variations + turnaround

We then asked Ms Lilian's opinion on what she thinks. Turns out, she prefers it if the mascots can stand out from the background. Also, the reaction from client is nothing special, which we assume it was because there is no 'wow factor'. So, we decided to 

Carmen then helped out by sketching out her ideas on the homeowner's outfit, which features a more comfy, cozy, cool hoodie outfit. I really liked the looks of this outfit so I further developed it. 

Homeowner hoodie outfit sketches

Then, I created several colour par variations to see which pair matches the best. In the end, it was between pair 7 and 8. 

Final variations + app UI test

Week 8 (Independent Learning Week)

For the most of this week, I was feeling unwell and could not really be productive. I could not really feel comfortable enough to leave my bed and look at the screen. Because of this, there has been some miscommunication between me and the team. 

I started working on the 3D models quite late into the week, so I had to push through and work fast. 

Homeowner model with reference

Contractor model with reference



Posing both mascots in one frame

I also modelled a few simple props to add to the mascots for certain poses requested from the UI/UX team for the app.

Shopping basket


Week 9

I rendered out all the poses requested by the team. I also put together character sheets to be put into the presentation slides. 

Character sheet - Homeowner

Character sheet - Contractor

All poses rendered

Final Outcome

Presentation deck
CDP @ MBTIC3 : Task 03 Presentation by Jacqueline Yung

Design / Progression board
MBTIC3 by PeiYun

Microsite prototype

App prototype


There were ups and downs throughout these few weeks. In week 8, because I fell ill, I was not able to contribute and provide my teammates with updates on time. This has led us to fall behind schedule, which has caused a groupmate of mine having to spend extra time to cover my workload and rush to produce backup designs. 

To the team, I apologize for the miscommunication, and will work on how to communicate more effectively to avoid last minute panic. To the person who helped out and created backup designs in such a high-pressured and short time, I really appreciate you. Although the designs were not used as our final, but they were helpful for us to visualize the expressions and props. 

Anyhow, our final outcome across all designs were presented well. There was some minor beef internally but all is good. Most of the team pulled an all-nighter and were all tired but relieved at the end of our presentation. What can I say, effective teamwork and communication is crucial to prevent things like these from recurring. I am sure we will do better in the next task!


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