Collaborative Design Practice - Task 4: Testing the End Product and Iterative Designs

25/05/2024 - 02/07/2023 (Week 10-11)
WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613
Collaborative Design Practice / B' Creative Media / Taylor's University
Task 4: Testing the End Product and Iterative Designs



Week 10 & 11

Our group will be further developing and polishing the application, microsite, mascot and pitch video to be submitted for final Innofest use. 

For the mascot, I remodeled most parts of the contractor mascot as the previous model was a mess in terms of topology. So, for this attempt, I figured out the most optimal way to model the character. 

Better topology of new model

Turnaround of new 3D model

In addition, as we are going to collaborate with the other teams, one of the teams has requested certain poses to be rendered. Below are the poses to be implemented in the website video.

Rendered poses for website video

One of my group member has also requested for some cool poses to be used in our microsite. 

Rendered poses for microsite use

Furthermore, the client from business school asked for 3D print-ready files. They provided the printable size of their 3D printer as it is important for me to make sure the size is correct. I then exported each body part of the mascots in separate .obj files, as per client's instructions. However, I only tried to separate each part as I could, as I had no prior experience optimizing my 3D models for printing. 

Individual files for printing (contractor)

Individual files for printing (homeowner)

Final Outcome

Presentation deck

CDP @ MBTIC3 : Task 04 Presentation by Jacqueline Yung

Design / Progression board

MBTIC3 by PeiYun

Final App Prototype

Application Structure & Breakdown


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