UX Design - Final Project: Prototype

22/04/2024 - 10/05/2024 (Week 1-3)
WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613
UX Design / B' Creative Media / Taylor's University
Final Project: Prototype



High Fidelity Prototype Design

For this final project, Javin and I are more focused on the technical side of things, including cleaning out the design so everything looks uniform and consistent, making sure the interactions are flawless, etc. 

Whereas Asilah and Wai Fern are in charge of colouring and decorating the app to make it look as attractive as possible, while maintaining the minimal and playful art direction. 

Updated art direction moodboard

Figma Workspace: 

PetConnect Prototype: 

User Testing

User Testing Responses: 

User Testing Analysis: 


What a ride! From being absolutely clueless about UI/UX to having successfully design an app feels great to me. Though our app is not perfect and still can have tons of improvement, I am proud of the team as we powered though everything despite the technical and unfamiliar challenges. In terms of learning, as an entertainment design student, I am very happy that I can expend coverage to the UI/UX side of design. Learning Figma was hectic. Staying up late to do all the interactions was not fun at all. But at the end of the day, I think it was all worth it.

As a group, we have worked together very well, with no arguments at all. This has been the best group work experience that I have ever had. 

Hopefully my grades reflect the efforts I put in this project :'D


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