UX Design - Task 3: Design Document (Project Proposal)

22/04/2024 - 10/05/2024 (Week 1-3)
WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613
UX Design / B' Creative Media / Taylor's University
Task 3: Design Document (Project Proposal)


Maxim redesign

Figma tryout



At this stage, we had a good idea of what we want to do for our app called PetConnect. 

We started collecting references and inspirations from Pinterest and Google images to start building the wireframes of our app. Our group created a Miro board to compile everything we collected for easy organization. 

Initial moodboard

After that, we started to design the low-middle fidelity version of our app using Figma. Halfway through, we thought it was confusing as we were all not used to UI design. So, we took a step back to create flowcharts for each of our journeys. 

We split the workload and sit together to work so each of us design 1-2 journeys. Other than that, my part in this task was to solidify the style so everything looks consistent. 

Middle fidelity design

Once the main designs for the main journeys are done, we moved on to create a proposal deck for presentation.


Task 3: project proposal by asilah asif


Before starting this module, I was honestly not very excited about this as it is very distinct from the kind of design I am used to. However, as an extension module, these first 2 exercises has helped me understand the importance of good UX design - not only for apps, but also for other daily things in life, as thought in the lectures. 

Overall, I think the exercises were great, and these few weeks has been great.


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