Advanced Typography Task 4 - Final Compilation & Reflection

29/08/2022 - 30/11/2022 (Week 1 - Week 14)
WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613
Advanced Typography / B' Creative Media / Taylor's University
Task 4 / Final Compilation & Reflection





Task 1 - Exercise 1: Typographic Systems (Week 1 - 2)

Fig. 1.1.1 Final axial system design, Week 2 (07/08/2022)                   

Fig. 1.1.2 Final radial system design, Week 2 (07/08/2022)

Fig. 1.1.3 Final dilatational system design, Week 2 (07/08/2022)           

Fig. 1.1.4 Final Random system design, Week 2 (07/08/2022)           

Fig. 1.1.5 Final Grids system design, Week 2 (07/08/2022)

Fig. 1.1.6 Final transitional system design, Week 2 (07/08/2022)           

Fig. 1.1.7 Final modular system design, Week 2 (07/08/2022)           

Fig. 1.1.8 Final bilateral system design, Week 2 (07/08/2022)           

PDF Files

Task 1 - Exercise 2: Type & Play, Part 1 (Week 3 - 4)

Final Letters and Showcase

Fig. 1.2.1 Final letter L, Week 4 (21/09/2022)

Fig. 1.2.2 Final letter J, Week 4 (21/09/2022)

Fig. 1.2.3 Final letter S, Week 4 (21/09/2022)

Fig. 1.2.4 Final letter E, Week 4 (21/09/2022)

Fig. 1.2.5 Final letter T, Week 4 (21/09/2022)

Fig. 1.2.6 All letters, Week 4 (21/09/2022)

Fig. 1.2.7 Type showcase, Week 4 (21/09/2022)

PDF Files





Task 1 - Exercise 2: Type & Play, Part 2 (Week 4 - 5)

Fig. 1.3 Final Option 3, Week 5 (30/09/2022)

PDF File

Task 2(A) - Key Artwork (Week 6 - 8)

Fig. 2.1.1 Final Key Artwork (B&W), Week 8 (19/10/2022)

Fig. 2.1.2 Final Key Artwork (Coloured), Week 8 (19/10/2022)

PDF File

Task 2(B) - Collateral (Week 8 - 10)

Fig. 2.2.1 Final Animated Key Artwork, Week 8 (19/10/2022)

Fig. 2.2.2 T-shirt, Week 9 (26/10/2022)

Fig. 2.2.3 Lapel Pin, Week 9 (26/10/2022)


Fig. 2.2.4 Art Book, Week 9 (26/10/2022)

Fig. 2.2.5 Business Card, Week 9 (26/10/2022)

Fig. 2.2.6 Playing Cards, Week 9 (26/10/2022)             

Fig. 2.2.7 Textured Press, Week 9 (26/10/2022)

PDF File

Fig. 2.2.8 Final Instagram 9-tile design, Week 9 (26/10/2022)

Task 3 - Type Exploration and Application (Week 10 - 14)

Fig. 3.1 All characters, Week 12 (16/11/2022)             


Fig. 3.2 Redesigned Poster 1, Week 13 (23/11/2022)

Fig. 3.3 Redesigned Poster 2, Week 13 (23/11/2022)


Fig. 3.4 Movie tickets, Week 13 (23/11/2022)

Merchandise: T-shirt & Caps

Fig. 3.5 Merchandise t-shirt, Week 13 (23/11/2022)

Fig. 3.6 Merchandise caps, Week 13 (23/11/2022)

PDF File



Overall, I have learnt a lot during my time in this module. Though the work load is massive, and sometimes overwhelming, I understand that this is to prepare us for what holds in the future. This not only teaches me but has also allowed me to experience working effectively and quickly. In my opinion, the first task was the most challenging because there are three sub-tasks altogether that has to be completed in a short duration of 5 weeks. I have only got an average of 1 - 2 weeks to complete each sub-task. At first, my time management was not great. I was delaying and delaying and find myself working last minute. Fortunately, I got more productive as time goes by and managed to complete all the tasks.


Throughout this semester, I realised that I tend to explore and experiment on the given topic first before starting a project. This is due to me not having a clear idea on where to start. Thus, quite a lot of time have been taken up for exploring and research. In the final project, I observed many existing work for reference and it helped me greatly as to where I can begin, as I find myself lost and have no idea how to start at times. 


My understanding of typography is broadened after completing this module. In Task 1, I discovered how different typographical compositions work, how to create letters that are inspired from an image, and creating a wallpaper artwork. In Task 2, I discovered how key artworks / marks are made with correlation to something the designer wants to show through the mark (e.g. characteristic, feature, personality, etc.). As for Task 3, I finally designed my first ever typeface (uppercase, lowercase, numerals, certain symbols). Through my own experience, I found that not only the visual style of the font has to be nice, consistency is also key to make all the characters look united. Overall, I think a good understanding on typography will be beneficial despite hopping into the entertainment design specialisation in the coming semesters.


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