Design Principles - Week 8 Entry (Final Compilation and Reflection)

07/01/2022 - 13/02/2022 (Week 6)
WONG JUN ZHE / 0353613
Design Principles / B'Creative Media / Taylor's University

Task 1 - Final Compilation and Reflection


Classroom Activity 1: Monogram Design

Monogram Design

Exercise 1: Principles of Design - Emphasis, titled 'Arisen' (Week 1 - Week 3)


Exercise 2: Principles of Design - Contrast & Figure Ground

Exercise 2: Principles of Design - Contrast (Week 1 - Week 3)


Project 1: Self-Portrait, titled 'Breakthrough' (Week 4)


Project 2: Sense of Place, titled 'Space of Peace' (Week 5 - Week 6)

Space of Peace

Final Project: Visual Analysis, titled 'Freedom' (Week 7 - Week 8)

Final Reflection

What have I learnt in this module?

To be honest, I did not learn any new principle and element of design as I have already learnt it from Art and Design IGCSE in high school, as well as in my foundation programme. However, I gained a deeper understanding on each of the principles and elements of design from this course. In addition, I get to explore more about myself and the art I produce, to help me find out my own art style. As we can see from the artworks above, all of them are done in a different style as I am still experimenting with different mediums. 

What did I enjoy the most?

I have had the most fun while working on Project 1: Self-Portrait, titled 'Breakthrough'. Part of it is because I am most familiar with using coloured pencils, therefore I enjoy the process. I absolutely love how the artwork turned out. To me, the artwork not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but it also resembles my goals of 2022. 
I also liked the fact that there are no strict medium limitations on all of the exercises and and projects. So, I was able to choose freely on what to use to create an artwork. Lectures are also very relaxing and flexible, as Dr. Charles has the ability to make lectures not feel like lectures! Overall, this is a great module taught by a great lecturer.

What did I not enjoy the most?

I would say I did not enjoy the first classroom activity of creating a monogram too much. I have difficulties making things simple and always find myself complicating things up, especially in design. But all I can say is that I would have never identifies this weakness without this simple activity!

What have I learnt about myself through this module?

During the whole time creating designs for this module, I realized that I tend to procrastinate and work ineffectively when it comes to things that I am not very familiar of. For example, the Sense of Place Project was actually done in the last couple of days of the timeline given. This is because I am more interested in doing designs of characters, human, creatures, etc., and environment design is something I've barely touched. 
However, knowing that I have this issue, I must try to give in my all and try to enjoy every artwork that I will be producing in the future. I keep on telling myself, that the more I learn, the more I know. 

What has changed and what has not in my learning journey?

Personally, what has changed in me is my general mindset of creating designs. What has not changed in my learning journey is my passion for creating interesting designs and exploring more about myself!

What could be improved in this module?

Well, frankly speaking, I couldn't think of anything that needs improvement...except the fact that we 
are unable to return to campus to experience this module physically is just ughh...


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